Founders Lessons Learned - Part 7: Operations

  1. Your work is not finished when you go live, it actually started.
  2. It is common to feel worried / sleepless thinking of what will happen tomorrow when you are in charge of successful product.
  3. Statistics should be collected from going life day ONE.
  4. Proactively monitoring production is a MUST; it can:
    1. Reveal issues.
    2. Show user behavior using your idea, leading to improvements.
  5. Operational work requires lots of automation to save time, but in the same time you can never lose the human analysis.
  6. Pay attention to small (issues / bugs / fraud) as they can grow bigger day after day causing lots of headache.
  7. Stay focused all the time, don’t try to solve everything one shot, always prioritize based on the following (In order):
    1. Financial impact.
    2. Risk impact.
    3. Operational impact.
  8. Don’t waste time in politics, & people trying to distract you.
  9. Pay attention to what you say / reveal during production issues, it should be to trusted people ONLY otherwise, it might fire-back to you.